Sunday 15 February 2015

Every Bitter Thing is Sweet...a book review"> alt="I review for BookLook Bloggers" src="" border="0" width="200" height="150">
 Book review: Every Bitter Thing is Sweet
A foreword by Katie Davis, an amazing young American who moved to Uganda to become mother to fourteen orphaned children and caregiver for hundreds more, was enough of a recommendation for me. And, of course, since my free copy came via BooklookBloggers, who invariably choose good reads for its reviewers.

Katie's introduction says, among other things: "This is a book for those hearts who long to see Him in the mess. It is Sara's personal story, written with eloquence and grace, about a God who rescued her from barrenness and carried her to a land of abundance, dripping with ...all things His goodness. She teaches me again what I have already known; she teaches me to hope anew."

The book takes its title from Proverbs 27:7 "A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet."

I want to be a hungry soul. I want to know and experience God in my every day not just on my Sundays (and even then, often, it doesn't happen).

This book seemed, as I read through carefully, to focus on a woman's longing for a child. It is not a longing that I identify with: even though I have two wonderful, now-grown-up children, I never experienced this sense of desperation that many women have. So I found Sara's frequent references to her inability to conceive difficult, irrelevant. Yet, already in the first chapter, I was able to look beyond this particular source of frustration, because we all have those circumstances which make us question God. Circumstances which make us ask, as Sara does: "My question was not, Is God good? But instead, is He good to ME? I was overlooked, forgotten. Not important enough to bless, and easy enough to dismiss. Cursed."

And this is the core. To know, really know, who I am in God.
And to do this by knowing Jesus, how he lived and how he died, and WHY he died.

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